Following the two previous blog posts, let's continue taking tiny steps in our endeavour to create a pong game in elm.
We left off with a ball bouncing off two paddles, and two players able to move their paddles. And the realization that we were a long way off to have a game that is at least mildly enjoyable.
Moving paddles at the same time
For starters, only one player at a time could move their paddle. And this is
because we only moved the paddle when we would detect a onKeyDown
. Which
meant that we depended on a continuous stream of those events to continuously
move the paddle when a player would keep pressing the key.
But we saw in the previous post that when a player would press a key and hold it, the events for this key would stop as soon as another key is pressed (eg if the second player wanted to move their paddle).
After some digging around on the internet
it seems that the proper way to deal with that issue is to keep track of which
key has been pressed (by tracking the onKeyDown
events), and then update the
state of this key when an onKeyUp
is received.
One way to do that would be to store the pressed keys in a list, and then remove a key from the list once we detect that it's released. Another way would be track the key states in a dictionnary:
type KeyState
= Pressed
| NotPressed
type alias keyStates =
{ arrowUp : KeyState
, arrowDown : KeyState
, charE : KeyState
, charD : KeyState
Thinking about that a bit more: what if we have the following keyState
{ arrowUp = Pressed
, arrowDown = Pressed
This would mean that we have two keys pressed for the same paddle, how would we decide what to do with that? Maybe we could have some kind of clever algorithm that would update that dictionnary...
If you're like me, you try to stay away from any clever code. As stated by Brian Kernighan
Everyone knows that debugging is twice as hard as writing a program in the first place. So if you're as clever as you can be when you write it, how will you ever debug it?
— The Elements of Programming Style, 2nd edition, chapter 2
Maybe we could come up with some other representation of the state. How about storing the state of the paddles movement?
type PaddleMovement
= MovingUp
| MovingDown
| NotMoving
This way, whenever we get an onKeyDown
for a key, we would update the paddle
movement: pressing down would result in MovingDown
, and then pressing up
(even if we're still pressing down) would update the movement to MovingUp
and any onKeyUp
would reset the state to NotMoving
{ ball : Ball
, rightPaddle : Paddle
, leftPaddle : Paddle
+ , rightPaddleMovement : PaddleMovement
+ , leftPaddleMovement : PaddleMovement
@@ -35,6 +37,12 @@ type alias PaddleInfo =
+type PaddleMovement
+ = MovingUp
+ | MovingDown
+ | NotMoving
type Msg
= OnAnimationFrame Float
| KeyDown PlayerAction
@@ -56,6 +64,8 @@ init _ =
( { ball = initBall
, rightPaddle = RightPaddle <| initPaddle 480
, leftPaddle = LeftPaddle <| initPaddle 10
+ , rightPaddleMovement = NotMoving
+ , leftPaddleMovement = NotMoving
, Cmd.none
Now we need to update the state in the update
function, in the KeyDown
KeyDown playerAction ->
case playerAction of
RightPaddleUp ->
- ( { model | rightPaddle = model.rightPaddle |> updatePaddle -10 }
+ ( { model | rightPaddleMovement = MovingUp }
, Cmd.none
RightPaddleDown ->
- ( { model | rightPaddle = model.rightPaddle |> updatePaddle 10 }
+ ( { model | rightPaddleMovement = MovingDown }
, Cmd.none
LeftPaddleUp ->
- ( { model | leftPaddle = model.leftPaddle |> updatePaddle -10 }
+ ( { model | leftPaddleMovement = MovingUp }
, Cmd.none
LeftPaddleDown ->
- ( { model | leftPaddle = model.leftPaddle |> updatePaddle 10 }
+ ( { model | leftPaddleMovement = MovingDown }
, Cmd.none
We're updating the paddle movements, or directions... but we aren't actually
moving them. We used to add or substract a number of pixels from their y
coordinates directly on the KeyDown playerAction
message, but it's not the
case anymore.
Updating the movements, reacting to player inputs, updating the world and all
that is usually done in a "game loop". The closer we have to a game loop in our
program is the onAnimationFrameDelta
message. So we'll first update our
helper function updatePaddle
to take a PaddleMovement
instead of an amount:
-updatePaddle : Int -> Paddle -> Paddle
-updatePaddle amount paddle =
+updatePaddle : PaddleMovement -> Paddle -> Paddle
+updatePaddle movement paddle =
+ let
+ amount =
+ case movement of
+ MovingUp ->
+ -10
+ MovingDown ->
+ 10
+ NotMoving ->
+ 0
+ in
case paddle of
RightPaddle paddleInfo ->
{ paddleInfo | y = paddleInfo.y + amount }
And we can now use that in the update
| x = ball.x + horizSpeed
, horizSpeed = horizSpeed
+ updatedRightPaddle =
+ updatePaddle model.rightPaddleMovement model.rightPaddle
+ updatedLeftPaddle =
+ updatePaddle model.leftPaddleMovement model.leftPaddle
- ( { model | ball = updatedBall }, Cmd.none )
+ ( { model
+ | ball = updatedBall
+ , rightPaddle = updatedRightPaddle
+ , leftPaddle = updatedLeftPaddle
+ }
+ , Cmd.none
+ )
KeyDown playerAction ->
case playerAction of
And we're now done, both paddles can move at the same time!
What is it that you're saying? That I forgot to manage the case when there's no player action anymore? Of course I didn't, I just wanted to make sure you were still following along. And you were, well done. I never doubted you.
We now need to also subscribe to the onKeyUp
events for the keys we're using
for the player actions, which means adding
- a
KeyUp PlayerAction
variant to theMsg
type - a
to theupdate
function to deal with this new message - a new subscription to the
type Msg
= OnAnimationFrame Float
| KeyDown PlayerAction
+ | KeyUp PlayerAction
type PlayerAction
@@ -160,6 +161,28 @@ update msg model =
, Cmd.none
+ KeyUp playerAction ->
+ case playerAction of
+ RightPaddleUp ->
+ ( { model | rightPaddleMovement = NotMoving }
+ , Cmd.none
+ )
+ RightPaddleDown ->
+ ( { model | rightPaddleMovement = NotMoving }
+ , Cmd.none
+ )
+ LeftPaddleUp ->
+ ( { model | leftPaddleMovement = NotMoving }
+ , Cmd.none
+ )
+ LeftPaddleDown ->
+ ( { model | leftPaddleMovement = NotMoving }
+ , Cmd.none
+ )
updatePaddle : PaddleMovement -> Paddle -> Paddle
updatePaddle movement paddle =
@@ -248,6 +271,7 @@ subscriptions _ =
[ Browser.Events.onAnimationFrameDelta OnAnimationFrame
, Browser.Events.onKeyDown ( KeyDown keyDecoder)
+ , Browser.Events.onKeyUp ( KeyUp keyDecoder)
Clamping the paddles
While it may be fun at first to be able to move your paddle off the screen, and while it may be seen as an extra challenge, let's stick to the original concept, and prevent the paddles from disappearing.
We can do that by making sure we don't update the paddle's y
position with a
value that's "out of bounds":
case paddle of
RightPaddle paddleInfo ->
- { paddleInfo | y = paddleInfo.y + amount }
+ { paddleInfo
+ | y =
+ paddleInfo.y
+ + amount
+ |> clamp 0 (500 - paddleInfo.height)
+ }
|> RightPaddle
LeftPaddle paddleInfo ->
- { paddleInfo | y = paddleInfo.y + amount }
+ { paddleInfo
+ | y =
+ paddleInfo.y
+ + amount
+ |> clamp 0 (500 - paddleInfo.height)
+ }
|> LeftPaddle
Here we're using the very convenient
helper to make sure the y
coordinates of the paddles can't go above 500 -
(which means the full paddle is always displayed), nor below 0.
Adding some verticalization
Up till now the ball would always move horizontally. Never up or down. And as such, the game... well, let's say that it wasn't very challenging. But that changes now!
Let's add a vertSpeed
to the ball
, and set it to a fixed value for now:
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ type alias Ball =
, y : Int
, radius : Int
, horizSpeed : Int
+ , vertSpeed : Int
@@ -78,6 +79,7 @@ initBall =
, y = 250
, radius = 10
, horizSpeed = 4
+ , vertSpeed = 2
@@ -122,6 +124,7 @@ update msg model =
updatedBall =
{ ball
| x = ball.x + horizSpeed
+ , y = ball.y + ball.vertSpeed
, horizSpeed = horizSpeed
We're not doing anything fancy here: adding a new field to the Ball
initializing it to 2
, and adding it to the y
coordinates of the ball on
each frame.
And behold the result!
And now we know what we need to do next:
Bouncing the ball off the walls
What good is a ball that we can't see anymore? Let's fix that by mimicking what we did for the bouncing off the paddles:
+ shouldBounceVertically =
+ shouldBallBounceVertically model.ball
+ vertSpeed =
+ if shouldBounceVertically then
+ ball.vertSpeed * -1
+ else
+ ball.vertSpeed
updatedBall =
{ ball
| x = ball.x + horizSpeed
- , y = ball.y + ball.vertSpeed
+ , y = ball.y + vertSpeed
, horizSpeed = horizSpeed
+ , vertSpeed = vertSpeed
updatedRightPaddle =
@@ -233,6 +244,15 @@ shouldBallBounce paddle ball =
&& (ball.y <= y + height)
+shouldBallBounceVertically : Ball -> Bool
+shouldBallBounceVertically ball =
+ let
+ radius =
+ ball.radius
+ in
+ ball.y <= radius || ball.y >= (500 - radius)
view : Model -> Svg.Svg Msg
view { ball, rightPaddle, leftPaddle } =
Losing and winning
Whenever the ball reaches the left or right side of the screen, the game should reset, and the opposite player should win a point.
So let's detect the win/lose condition:
@@ -44,6 +44,11 @@ type PaddleMovement
| NotMoving
+type Player
+ = LeftPlayer
+ | RightPlayer
type Msg
= OnAnimationFrame Float
| KeyDown PlayerAction
@@ -144,6 +149,10 @@ update msg model =
updatedLeftPaddle =
updatePaddle model.leftPaddleMovement model.leftPaddle
+ winner =
+ maybeWinner updatedBall
+ |> Debug.log "Winner"
( { model
| ball = updatedBall
@@ -253,6 +262,18 @@ shouldBallBounceVertically ball =
ball.y <= radius || ball.y >= (500 - radius)
+maybeWinner : Ball -> Maybe Player
+maybeWinner ball =
+ if ball.x <= ball.radius then
+ Just RightPlayer
+ else if ball.x >= (500 - ball.radius) then
+ Just LeftPlayer
+ else
+ Nothing
view : Model -> Svg.Svg Msg
view { ball, rightPaddle, leftPaddle } =
This displays Winner: Nothing
in the console on each frame, until there's a
Winner: Just RightPlayer
as soon as the ball hits the right border... and
then on each following frame, as the game doesn't reset. Yet.
"But Mathieu, what is this Maybe
thing, and all that Just
and Nothing
Hoy! Behave, that's no nonsense, that's proper engineering! It's called the
Maybe type and
it represents "values that may or may not exist", which is exactly what we need
here: there may be a winner, or maybe not. The result is either "just a player"
or "nothing" (no winner). And we can now use this Maybe Player
to update a
new custom type that we'll call GameStatus
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ type alias Model =
, leftPaddle : Paddle
, rightPaddleMovement : PaddleMovement
, leftPaddleMovement : PaddleMovement
+ , gameStatus : GameStatus
@@ -49,6 +50,11 @@ type Player
| RightPlayer
+type GameStatus
+ = NoWinner
+ | Winner Player
type Msg
= OnAnimationFrame Float
| KeyDown PlayerAction
@@ -73,6 +79,7 @@ init _ =
, leftPaddle = LeftPaddle <| initPaddle 10
, rightPaddleMovement = NotMoving
, leftPaddleMovement = NotMoving
+ , gameStatus = NoWinner
, Cmd.none
@@ -150,14 +157,19 @@ update msg model =
updatedLeftPaddle =
updatePaddle model.leftPaddleMovement model.leftPaddle
- winner =
- maybeWinner updatedBall
- |> Debug.log "Winner"
+ gameStatus =
+ case maybeWinner updatedBall of
+ Nothing ->
+ NoWinner
+ Just player ->
+ Winner player
( { model
| ball = updatedBall
, rightPaddle = updatedRightPaddle
, leftPaddle = updatedLeftPaddle
+ , gameStatus = gameStatus
, Cmd.none
We now have a proper GameState
that gets updated whenever the ball reaches
the left or right, but we aren't doing anything with it yet. What should we do
with it?
Well... if we're in the NoWinner
state, it means we should be playing, and as
such listening to user input and animation frames. If we're in the Winner ...
state, we shouldn't.
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
-subscriptions _ =
- Sub.batch
- [ Browser.Events.onAnimationFrameDelta OnAnimationFrame
- , Browser.Events.onKeyDown ( KeyDown keyDecoder)
- , Browser.Events.onKeyUp ( KeyUp keyDecoder)
- ]
+subscriptions model =
+ case model.gameStatus of
+ NoWinner ->
+ Sub.batch
+ [ Browser.Events.onAnimationFrameDelta OnAnimationFrame
+ , Browser.Events.onKeyDown ( KeyDown keyDecoder)
+ , Browser.Events.onKeyUp ( KeyUp keyDecoder)
+ ]
+ Winner _ ->
+ Sub.none
As easy as this! Now the game stops as soon as a player wins.
Now let's restart the game after a 500 milliseconds delay. For that, we'll
introduce a new concept: the
Task which
makes "it easy to describe asynchronous operations": in our case, the Task
will be a
Once we have the Task
, we can ask the elm runtime to execute it for us using
which will return a Cmd
We'll attach a new Msg
variant that we'll call SleepDone
to that Cmd
import Browser
import Browser.Events
import Json.Decode as Decode
+import Process
import Svg exposing (..)
import Svg.Attributes exposing (..)
+import Task
type alias Model =
@@ -59,6 +61,7 @@ type Msg
= OnAnimationFrame Float
| KeyDown PlayerAction
| KeyUp PlayerAction
+ | SleepDone ()
type PlayerAction
@@ -157,13 +160,18 @@ update msg model =
updatedLeftPaddle =
updatePaddle model.leftPaddleMovement model.leftPaddle
- gameStatus =
+ ( gameStatus, cmd ) =
case maybeWinner updatedBall of
Nothing ->
- NoWinner
+ ( NoWinner, Cmd.none )
Just player ->
- Winner player
+ let
+ delayCmd =
+ Process.sleep 500
+ |> Task.perform SleepDone
+ in
+ ( Winner player, delayCmd )
( { model
| ball = updatedBall
@@ -171,7 +179,7 @@ update msg model =
, leftPaddle = updatedLeftPaddle
, gameStatus = gameStatus
- , Cmd.none
+ , cmd
KeyDown playerAction ->
@@ -218,6 +226,13 @@ update msg model =
, Cmd.none
+ SleepDone _ ->
+ let
+ _ =
+ Debug.log "restart" "game"
+ in
+ ( model, Cmd.none )
updatePaddle : PaddleMovement -> Paddle -> Paddle
updatePaddle movement paddle =
This one involves quite a lot, so let's decompose it piece by piece:
On each frame, we now not only change the game status if needed, we also send a
to the elm runtime if there was a win.
This command is:
Process.sleep 500
|> Task.perform SleepDone
As a reminder, that's the same as writing
Task.perform SleepDone (Process.sleep 500)
The Task.perform
translates a Task
into a Cmd
, which can then be sent to
the elm runtime, by returning it from the update
function. Which brings us to
the ( Model, Cmd Msg )
in the type signature of the update
function, which
is a
tuple type. A
is a fixed size list of things with types which may differ. This is
very different from the
List type
which is a variable size list of things of the same type.
Back to the code:
( gameStatus, cmd ) =
case maybeWinner updatedBall of
Nothing ->
( NoWinner, Cmd.none )
Just player ->
delayCmd =
Process.sleep 500
|> Task.perform SleepDone
( Winner player, delayCmd )
The first part before the =
sign is destructuring a 2-tuple into two
variables names gameStatus
and cmd
. The cmd
is the command that will be
returned by the update
function if we're processing an
And this command is either Cmd.none
(no command) if there's NoWinner
, or
the delayCmd
if there's a winner.
The end of the previous diff is simply processing the SleepDone
message. At
the moment the only thing it's doing is printing a debug message in the
console. As we've seen previously, using the _
means we don't care about the
variable (so we don't care about the "game"
string that we passed to the
function, and we don't care either about the data attached to the
"But wait Mathieu, if we don't care about the data attached to the SleepDone
variant, why does it even have it in the first place?". Very good question.
Brace yourselves for the answer:
A task always returns something. Sometimes, this "thing" is uninteresting, in
which case we use the unit
, which is represented by ()
and has only one
value: ()
. And if we go back to the Process.sleep
signature, it says
it returns a Task x ()
(so a Task
that returns a unit).
And this thing that the Task
returns is the same thing that is attached to the
message that the Task.perform
takes as its first argument. Hence the
SleepDone ()
Let me show you a little nugget of cleverness (but please remember, being
clever is usually a bad idea, so use this sparingly):
the always
is a function that always returns the same thing, whatever the argument you
give it. This seems pretty useless, but we could use it to our advantage in our
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ type Msg
= OnAnimationFrame Float
| KeyDown PlayerAction
| KeyUp PlayerAction
- | SleepDone ()
+ | SleepDone
type PlayerAction
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ update msg model =
delayCmd =
Process.sleep 500
- |> Task.perform SleepDone
+ |> Task.perform (always SleepDone)
( Winner player, delayCmd )
@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ update msg model =
, Cmd.none
- SleepDone _ ->
+ SleepDone ->
_ =
Debug.log "restart" "game"
We don't care about the data attached to the message by Task.perform
, so we
just discard it by using the always
helper. This might seem confusing, but
keep in mind that a custom type variant is also a constructor. So when we
wanted to create a new right paddle, we would do RightPaddle paddleInfo
You can see RightPaddle
as a function with the following type signature:
RightPaddle : PaddleInfo -> Paddle
So you can also see (always SleepDone)
as a function that takes a parameter
and returns SleepDone
, and we could call it alwaysSleepDone
alwaysSleepDone : a -> Msg
Using a type starting with a lowercase (the a
in the type signature just
above) means that it could be any type, including a unit
. In any case, we
don't care about the type that's being passed to the helper, so no need to be
specific here.
So the final diff would be:
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ type Msg
= OnAnimationFrame Float
| KeyDown PlayerAction
| KeyUp PlayerAction
- | SleepDone ()
+ | SleepDone
type PlayerAction
@@ -167,9 +167,13 @@ update msg model =
Just player ->
+ alwaysSleepDone : a -> Msg
+ alwaysSleepDone =
+ always SleepDone
delayCmd =
Process.sleep 500
- |> Task.perform SleepDone
+ |> Task.perform alwaysSleepDone
( Winner player, delayCmd )
@@ -226,7 +230,7 @@ update msg model =
, Cmd.none
- SleepDone _ ->
+ SleepDone ->
_ =
Debug.log "restart" "game"
This didn't give us much in terms of readability, or at least it's debatable. I know I'd rather have obvious types and slightly more complex code, but I guess that's a matter of taste.
Restarting the game
So what should happen once the delay has elapsed, and the game should
"restart"? Well the ball should be reset to its initial position and speed, and
the game status should be NoWinner
SleepDone ->
- let
- _ =
- Debug.log "restart" "game"
- in
- ( model, Cmd.none )
+ ( { model
+ | ball = initBall
+ , gameStatus = NoWinner
+ }
+ , Cmd.none
+ )
Once the ball touches one of the "goals", the whole game stops for half a second, and then the ball position is reset.
Keeping track of the score
Let's add a score
record with the rightPlayerScore
and leftPlayerScore
fields to the model, and update them whenever there's a win:
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ type alias Model =
, rightPaddleMovement : PaddleMovement
, leftPaddleMovement : PaddleMovement
, gameStatus : GameStatus
+ , score : Score
@@ -71,6 +72,12 @@ type PlayerAction
| LeftPaddleDown
+type alias Score =
+ { rightPlayerScore : Int
+ , leftPlayerScore : Int
+ }
type alias Flags =
@@ -83,6 +90,10 @@ init _ =
, rightPaddleMovement = NotMoving
, leftPaddleMovement = NotMoving
, gameStatus = NoWinner
+ , score =
+ { rightPlayerScore = 0
+ , leftPlayerScore = 0
+ }
, Cmd.none
@@ -160,10 +171,10 @@ update msg model =
updatedLeftPaddle =
updatePaddle model.leftPaddleMovement model.leftPaddle
- ( gameStatus, cmd ) =
+ ( gameStatus, score, cmd ) =
case maybeWinner updatedBall of
Nothing ->
- ( NoWinner, Cmd.none )
+ ( NoWinner, model.score, Cmd.none )
Just player ->
@@ -174,14 +185,19 @@ update msg model =
delayCmd =
Process.sleep 500
|> Task.perform alwaysSleepDone
+ updatedScore =
+ updateScores model.score player
+ |> Debug.log "score"
- ( Winner player, delayCmd )
+ ( Winner player, updatedScore, delayCmd )
( { model
| ball = updatedBall
, rightPaddle = updatedRightPaddle
, leftPaddle = updatedLeftPaddle
, gameStatus = gameStatus
+ , score = score
, cmd
@@ -306,6 +322,16 @@ maybeWinner ball =
+updateScores : Score -> Player -> Score
+updateScores score winner =
+ case winner of
+ RightPlayer ->
+ { score | rightPlayerScore = score.rightPlayerScore + 1 }
+ LeftPlayer ->
+ { score | leftPlayerScore = score.leftPlayerScore + 1 }
view : Model -> Svg.Svg Msg
view { ball, rightPaddle, leftPaddle } =
Now that we have the score, we can display it ;)
@@ -188,7 +188,6 @@ update msg model =
updatedScore =
updateScores model.score player
- |> Debug.log "score"
( Winner player, updatedScore, delayCmd )
@@ -333,7 +332,7 @@ updateScores score winner =
view : Model -> Svg.Svg Msg
-view { ball, rightPaddle, leftPaddle } =
+view { ball, rightPaddle, leftPaddle, score } =
[ width "500"
, height "500"
@@ -343,6 +342,7 @@ view { ball, rightPaddle, leftPaddle } =
[ viewBall ball
, viewPaddle rightPaddle
, viewPaddle leftPaddle
+ , viewScore score
@@ -376,6 +376,19 @@ viewPaddle paddle =
+viewScore : Score -> Svg.Svg Msg
+viewScore score =
+ g
+ [ fontSize "100px"
+ , fontFamily "monospace"
+ ]
+ [ text_ [ x "100", y "100", textAnchor "start" ]
+ [ text <| String.fromInt score.leftPlayerScore ]
+ , text_ [ x "400", y "100", textAnchor "end" ]
+ [ text <| String.fromInt score.rightPlayerScore ]
+ ]
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
case model.gameStatus of
Maybe it's time to talk briefly about the view. You might have been wondering how that was working.
In elm we have packages that provide helpers to build the node tree. There's one for Html and one for SVG, and they both work the same way. Each node builder has two parameters:
- a list of attributes and event listeners
- a list of child nodes
One notable exception is the text
helper which just returns plain text.
This is how you would build a paragraph with the foobar
[ Html.Attributes.class "foobar" ]
[ Html.text "Hello world"]
So building a node tree (a DOM) is a matter of calling helpers and providing them their list of attributes and children.
And that's exactly what we did with the viewScore
- the parent node is an SVG
container, with a list of attributes- first child is an SVG
node with its list of attributes- and its child is just plain text
- second child is an SVG
node with its list of attributes- and its child is just plain text
- first child is an SVG
The use of an underscore in text_
is needed to disambiguate between the
SVG node and the plain text helper text
We now have a fully playable game! It might not be pretty, or fun, but it has all the minimal requirements, congratulations!
Next time, we might have a look at how to add a few bells and whistles just for the sake of introducing a few more elm concepts ;)
There's now a follow up.